TISA Funding


The Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement (TISA) public school funding formula marks a significant change in how Tennessee invests in public education. The TISA funding formula updates the way Tennessee funds public education for the first time in over 30 years to empower each student to read proficiently by third grade, prepare each high school graduate for postsecondary success, and provide resources needed for all students to ensure they succeed.

TISA requires school districts to complete an annual goal for student achievement with a focus upon 3rd grade.  This goal utilizes the 2022 -2023 ELA percentage and increases that percentage 15% by 2025-2026. 

RCS has a goal of having 51.4% of our 3rd grade students scoring in the met expectations or exceeded expectations categories. Our overarching goal is to have 70% of our students scoring in the met expectations or exceeded expectations categories by 2030 per state guidelines. 

RCS plans to facilitate this goal by implementing or continuing the following:

  1. Continue utilizing Academic Coaches that work both teachers and students

  2. Consistent unit and lesson prep implementation of ELA HQIM

  3. Continue RTI to address reading deficits and characteristics of dyslexia five (5) days a week for 45 minutes

  4. Continue tutoring that focuses on specific skills (5) days a week for 45 minutes

  5. Continue utilizing formative assessments to identify and reteach objectives that are not mastered

  6. Offering Summer Camp to students that will benefit from extra support and meeting the Pathway to 4th grade.


RCS would like to pursue the public comment concerning this goal.  Please complete the following form.