Library/Media Center

bulleting board with RCS Library sign
Bookshelves in library
bookshelves in library with Warrior head mural
Couches in library lounge area
bulletin board with map of world
bulletin board with Dr. Seuss Quote

          RCS CARD CATALOG  ~

At RCS, we use a self-checkout station at the circulation desk.  If your child happens to bring home a book that is above his/her reading level, feel free to send it back to school with a note attached, and it will be exchanged. 

Find a Book logo


  • Grades K-4 visit the library once a week for 45 minutes.
  • Classes in grades 5 and 6 visit the library three days per week for nine weeks.
  • Students may have two books checked out at a time.
  • Library books may be kept for one week and renewed.
  • The library is open for student check in/check out all day long with teacher permission.
  • A book may be renewed.  An overdue book means a student cannot check out another book until the overdue book is returned or renewed.
  • If a book is lost or damaged, payment toward a new book is requested from the parents.
  • Report cards are held at the end of the year until lost or damaged books are returned or paid in full.
  • If your family plans to move, please return all library books.

Please note: 

The digital card catalog only works on devices connected to RCS network and will not work from home.

What is Sora?

Sora is RCS's collection of digital library books.  Your child may check out digital copies of library books to read at home.  The books may be accessed via the weblink above or by downloading the Sora app on a tablet or phone.  Your child's school username and password are used to log in to the account.

RCS Current Digital Titles

In addition, our school digital library is also connected to our local public library's digital library collection through the TN. R.E.A.D.S program. 

Although students' accounts only allow them to access books classified as Juvenile (Children's books), these books are not part of the RCS Digital Library collection. These are the same books available to any juvenile user of the local public library digital collection.  Contact your child's teacher if you do not want them to also check out library books from the public library.

Logging into Sora:  Use your school username/password.

Switching between collections in Sora

Click here for an available title list via TN READS.