Yearbook Headquarters
Yearbooks on sale now.
Order yearbooks online at You may also send payment to your child's homeroom teacher.
Upcoming Picture Dates (subject to change)
- September 18 - Fall Portraits, Fall Sports (Football, Cross Country, Volleyball, Girls' Soccer
- November 7: Fall Make-ups, 8th Grade Superlatives, Basketball, Cheer, Swim Pics
- February 20: Class Groups, Band, PreK Cap & Gown, Clubs
- April 10: Spring Individuals (pre-pay only), Baseball, Softball, Track, Boys' Soccer, Track
Order Forms
RCS Picture Day on Feb. 20. We'll be photographing Class Groups, Band, Clubs, and Pre-K Graduation Pictures.
Full details here:
Mark your calendar for our upcoming picture day. Class Group photos, Band, Clubs, and Pre-K Graduation pictures are set for Thursday, February 20. Order forms will be sent home soon.
(Please note: the Band order form is the same as a Sports order form).
You may send your order to school or order online. The order link is specific to the type of picture you're purchasing (Class, Band, or Pre-K Grad). Typically, the ordering link closes by midnight of the day before picture day, and the link will no longer work by February 20.
If you happen to lose your order form, the links below will allow you to print additional ones.
Class Group Photos
Band Photos
Pre-K Graduation Pictures
Order your 24-25 RCS Yearbook!
It's that time of year! Yearbooks are officially on sale now. You may order online or send payment along with the order form to school. The cost is $35, and the deadline to order is April 18.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Greer or Mrs. Stalnaker at
Click twice on the flyer below to print additional order forms.
Fall Retakes are November 7, 2024.
Retakes for Fall Pictures, 8th Grade Superlatives, Basketball, Cheerleading, and Swimming pictures will be taken Thursday, November 7.
For retakes, bring the original photo package back in order to receive a new package with the retake photo. Students who were absent on the original picture day and new students will be photographed as well.
You may also order online or click twice on the image to print out the order form below.
- The order form from the previous picture day is no longer valid.
- If you order online, still complete the order form and mark the online order portion. Online ordering closes at midnight on November 6, 2024.
Mark your calendars for September 18 for RCS Fall Picture Day. Individuals for the yearbook and fall sports (Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Girls' Soccer) will be photographed. As always, all students will be photographed, and ordering photos is optional.
Ordering photos for more than one child? Be sure to fill out a separate form for each student to ensure your package gets printed on time. Payment can be made in one lump sum. Just designate which order form contains the payment on each order form.
Prefer to order online? Fill out the order form and mark the designated online order box.
Click here for
Click here for sports pictures online.
Online ordering expires at midnight on September 18.
See below for order forms for both individual and sports pictures.
- PictureDay
Mark your calendar for April 11 when RCS will have our Spring Picture Day.
Mark your calendar for April 11 when RCS will have our Spring Picture Day. We will be photographing both spring individual portraits and spring sports (baseball, softball, boys' soccer, and track).
Unlike our fall portrait day, only students who pre-order spring portraits will be photographed. You may order by returning payment with your completed order form or by purchasing online.
Remember that students ordering online still need to bring a completed order form and mark that it's an online order on the form.
The online order link typically closes the night before picture day, so online orders may not be possible the day of pictures.
Students will receive order forms this week. Forms and online order links are below.
Spring Portraits Online Ordering (Code: rcs12381)
Spring Sports Online Ordering (Code: rcs12382)